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This session on handling resistance to change aims to help you to recognise when change is being resisted and understand why people may resist change. It then provides some suggestions that will help you to overcome that resistance, and bring the team with you, limiting the negative effects that change can sometimes bring.


In particular, by the end of the Power Hour you will be able to:


  • Anticipate resistance to change and identify things you can do to minimise it
  • Recognise the signs of passive and active resistance to change
  • Suggest why people resist change
  • Take practical steps to overcome resistance to change


Download our FREE Key Points Sheet and a selection of the PowerPoint Slides in PDF format for more information about what is covered in this session. (Virtual Sessions include more slides than this)

VIRTUAL Handle Resistance to Change (PDF)

  • The Outline for this session is as follows: 

     •Welcome and Introduction – Trainer and delegate input

     •The Reaction to Change Curve – Trainer input and discussion

     •Anticipating and Minimising Resistance – Trainer-led discussion

     •Recognising resistance  – Group exercise to identify signs of active and passive resistance.

     •The consequences of ignoring resistance – (Optional) Small group activity to identify the short and longer term effects of ignoring resistance

     •Why people resist change – Trainer input and discussion

     •Finding the root cause - Trainer input and discussion

     •Uncovering the root cause –  (Optional) small group activity to practice using the 5 Whys to determine the root cause of resistance to change

     •Practical Steps for handling resistance – Trainer input and short delegate activity

     •Summary and putting it into practice

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